Surviving the Postpartum Marathon: My Must-Have Essentials

Ah, the beautiful chaos of postpartum life – where sleep becomes a distant memory, and spit-up becomes a fashion statement. Whether you're a seasoned parent or a first-timer, the postpartum period can be a whirlwind. But fear not, dear readers, for I've compiled a list of my absolute must-have essentials to help you navigate this crazy journey with a touch of style, a dash of humor, and a whole lot of comfort.

Note: This is written after baby #2. I’m currently 3 months postpartum, and these are *still* my essentials.

Simple Modern Cup: Hydration Savior

Let's kick things off with hydration – an often overlooked, yet crucial aspect of postpartum recovery. My trusty Simple Modern cup has been a lifesaver. While the Stanley cup may be amazing, this mama just doesn’t have that kind of fun money. The Simple Modern cup is a dupe I found on Amazon. The reasons I love it:

  • It keeps water cold for hours

  • It’s 40 oz, which means I only need to fill it up a few times to ensure I’m hitting my H20 goals. There’s nothing worse than having to constantly fill up a small water bottle, especially when you’re stuck on the couch with your baby for hours at a time. I actually got this cup while I was pregnant (thanks to my cousin as a baby shower gift) and my midwives constantly complimented my urine sample and asked how I stayed so hydrated. This cup, my friends.

  • It fits in my car’s cup holders. Trust me, I have tons of cups. The problem is they don’t fit in the cup holders, and I’d have to resort to letting them ride passenger. This may be all well and good, but any time I turn or stop, and hello water all over my seat.

  • Which brings me to my next absolute favorite feature: This cup doesn’t leak when tipped over. Before this, I was using one of the Reduce cups, and I hated when it would tip over, whether from my toddler accidentally knocking it over, or the cup falling over on my couch from too much movement. This cup, though, doesn’t do that. The seal around the cup and straw is amazing, so no water will come out. The only time water has come out is when the cup has been filled to the top and I bend over to pick something up while holding the cup. Obviously.

  • Lastly, they’re cute. I mean, come on. 

Perineal Ice Packs and Depends: Comfort and Ease

Postpartum comfort is a non-negotiable, and these items are game-changers. Perineal ice packs provide much-needed relief down there, while Depends offer convenience and peace of mind. No more fumbling with pads – just slip these on, and you're good to go.

I know some people say not to use the ice packs, and instead to use heat. Honestly, I haven’t tried using heat down there, but after both of my deliveries and 2nd and 3rd degree tears, let’s just say the ice works for me.

During my first postpartum period, I didn’t use depends, but I tried them this round, and I’m so glad I did. It’s just much easier to use adult diapers than pads.

Men's Button-Up Shirts: Stylishly Functional

Who says postpartum fashion can't be chic? I headed to the men's department at Goodwill and grabbed a couple of oversized button-up shirts. They're not only stylish (I’m talking red poppy flowers and blue fish) but also perfect for easy breastfeeding access. Plus, they make you feel like you've got your life together (even when you haven't slept in days).

Bedside Bassinet: Baby's Sanctuary

A bedside bassinet is a postpartum essential that brings comfort and peace of mind. It allows you to keep your little one close, making those midnight check-ins and comforting sessions a breeze. Plus, it's a perfect spot for those adorable, spontaneous photoshoots.

I had a bedside bassinet with my firstborn, but it was not a side-car bassinet, which meant that any time I wanted to rest my hand on my sleeping babe, I had to reach over the side and rest my arm on the edge of the bassinet – it wasn’t comfortable at all.

This time, I used this bassinet, which has a side that lowers between me and baby. 

Pretty Coffee Cups: Sipping Joy in Style

Let's be real – coffee is a lifeline for most new parents. Elevate your caffeine game by sipping from a pretty coffee cup. There's just something oddly satisfying about enjoying your morning brew in style, even if you've been up all night.

I promise, drinking from a new pink mug just hits different than the puppy dog paw print cup you’ve had in your cabinets for years.

Kindle App: Productivity in Small Moments

While I’ve nap-trapped or feeding baby, I’ve been making the most of my downtime with the Kindle app. Reading provides a much-needed escape, and it feels so much better than scrolling TikTok for hours (which, full transparency, I did quite a bit this postpartum period). If you’re more of a hardback kinda gal (same, honestly!), check out my blog post with your next nap-trapped literary escapes!

Easy Snacks: Fuel for Supermom

Snacking becomes an art form during the postpartum period. Stock up on easy, nutritious options like overnight oats (curtesy of my doula), Larabars (the peanut butter ones), and dried fruit. These treats keep your energy up without requiring any culinary prowess.

Nap-Trapped Baskets: Essentials at Arm's Reach

Being nap-trapped doesn't mean you have to be unprepared. Create a nap-trapped basket filled with essentials like diapers, wipes, nipple cream, and snacks. A few other things you can include:

  • Manual breast pump and milk storage bags

  • Portable phone charger

  • Headphones

  • A fave read

  • Toys for your toddler (think puzzle, activity book, etc.) that you can hand them when they want your attention also

  • Chapstick

  • Water bottles

  • Snacks

  • A hair clip or hair tie

It's your survival kit for those moments when you're tethered to the couch.

In the grand marathon of postpartum life, these essentials have been my trusty companions, ensuring I navigate the twists and turns with style, comfort, and a sprinkle of joy. So, to all you new parents out there, take a deep breath, cherish those adorable baby moments (and spit-up stains), and know that you've got this!


What to do with Your Baby During Wake Windows


Toddler Sleep, Taylor’s Version